Slip setlists matching Julia's Kitchen:
generated on Mon Feb 1 21:22:59 EST 2021
19980205: The Stone Church: Newmarket, NH
Set I: Autobody Experience, Highlands, Rhythm-a-ning, Julia's Kitchen!, Weight of Solomon, Yellow Medicine, Cumulus, 54-46 Was My Number
19980207: Living room: Providence, RI
Set I: Metroplatypus, Mustt Mustt, Cumulus, Rhythm-a-ning, Eube, Julia's Kitchen, The Weight of Solomon
19980215: WERS "Space Jams": Boston, MA
Set I: The Air The Body, Alsoa, OooOooO, Julia's Kitchen, Metroplatypus
19980227: The Met Cafe: Providence, RI
Set I: From the Gecko, The Highlands, Yellow Medicine*, Julia's Kitchen> ?, Cumulus, Eube, Steel Drum Zion
19980307: Carnegie Mellon University: Pittsburgh, PA
Set II: Nica's Dream, Rhythm-a-ning, Julia's Kitchen, The Weight of Solomon, Impressions, Steel Drum
19980311: The Fox Theatre: Boulder, CO
Set I: ?> Cumulus, ?, Julia's Kitchen. Weight of Solomon, From the Gecko>* Zion*, Alsoa
19980319: Quixote's: Denver, CO
Set I: untitled, Don't Foil the Mohel, One Love, Yellow Medicine, Julia's Kitchen, Munf
20010207: Boston College O'Connell House: Chestnut Hill, MA
Set II: Johnny's Tune> Torque, My Room, Gecko>3rd Stone from the Sun jam > Gecko, The Weight of Solomon> Julia's Kitchen tease> Weight, Just a Closer Walk with Thee
20030404: University of Vermont [North Lounge]: Burlington, VT
Set I: Song of Mysterious Origin> Untitled Instrumental&, Pictures of Callisto, Spice Groove> Jam> Gemini (Kingdom of Light), Back in Fifteen Minutes, Mr. Meowskers, Tinderbox, Brad calls his mom, Julia's Kitchen*, A Closer Walk With Thee
20030419: Somerville Theater: Somerville, MA
E: Imagine##, New Piano Intrumental> Julia's Kitchen!!!, Before You Were Born
Julia's Kitchen was found at 10 shows.